Vom Haus Mack German Shepherds are bred specifically to produce higher intelligence, strong and stable nerve, stable temperament and exceptional trainability to potentially become Working Service Dogs for disabled people and exceptional pets.
All Vom Haus Mack litters are registered with the
United Schutzhund Club of America and/or the AKC. Our puppies come with the
traditional German SV standard USCA Pink Papers and/or AKC papers showing verified working titles,
show ratings and breed surveys that can be traced at least 4 generations back in
the blood line.
The old tradition and standard of the German
Schutzhund Club (Verein für Deutsche Schäferhunde) or (SV) is a good one.
Conformation (show quality looks and good show rating), hips and elbows clear of
any dysplasia or genetic defects, and proven workability verified by meeting the
requirements to obtain a Schutzhund 1, 2, or 3 title (Now IGP) and breed survey KKL were
all necessary in order to breed the dog. Along the way, however, the breed of
German Shepherd Dog split to the point that it is next to impossible to find a
true working dog that will get a VA rating in show. On the other hand it is also
next to impossible to find a VA rated dog that will perform like a true working
dog. Apparently, some people wanted more looks and others more bite and each
group of people bred for their own needs. My father wanted to bring more of the working drive back to the Elite German Shepherd Dog, to make the SV standard mean
something in every aspect of the standard, not just work or show. He and I had a
detailed plan to achieve this goal together, but he passed away before he could
see his dream come true. I moved forward on my own using his strict standards to
make this happen. I have searched through more dogs than I can count to offer
you the best of the best. This is what I offer you in a Vom Haus Mack German
Advance reservations are recommended
For More Information Please Call
Vom Haus Mack German Shepherds
is a registered breeder/kennel
with the USCA
© 2010-2021 Saint Francis German Shepherd Service Dogs Inc