Saint Francis German Shepherd Service Dogs only endorses the best of the best. Please take a moment to visit these businesses and organizations that truly stand behind their product, service or mission.
Dr. Flinkstrom and Lunenburg Veterinary Hospital have been by my side for over a decade. Their friendly staff makes you and your pet feel welcome and comfortable at all times. Not only do they provide quality Veterinary services for Dogs and Cats they are one of the few that can take care of rabbits, reptiles, snakes, turtles, lizards, hamsters, guinea pigs, avian species (birds), even wildlife. If needed for Emergency’s Dr. Flinkstrom is on 24 hour call outside of normal business hours. He is also kind enough to waive the exam fee for active Service Dogs
This is the breed registry for the German Shepherd Dog in Germany (SV). I refer to them often on my website. The website is mostly in German. Unless you are familiar with the German language, downloading a translator is recommended.
We are proud members and a registered breeder (Vom Haus Mack German Shepherds) of The United Schutzhund Clubs of America. In the United States, The United Schutzhund of America does everything they can to uphold the high standards of the SV in Germany keeping with original traditions and standards that originated from the SV in Germany.
The AKC has a wonderful certification program for your dog. To obtain a Canine Good Citizen certificate, your dog must pass 10 specific tests. We offer private in home training service to obtain this certification. To find out more about the AKC CGC please follow this link to the AKC CGC website.
SDS Service Dog Schools Service Dog Schools is a coalition of Service Dog trainers, handlers and organizations from across the world supporting the Service Dog Code, a quality standards framework that fosters collaboration within the community by outlining minimum standards for training, behavior, public safety and etiquette. The Service Dog Code ensures that disabled individuals can receive quality service dogs within guaranteed performance limits.